Clinical support
Resources, information and services to support GPs and other clinicians.
In the first instance, we always recommend health professionals use their relevant HealthPathways website for the latest evidence-based clinical information to support optimal patient care.
Alcohol & other drugs
ADCAS clinical advisory service for GPs (Alcohol and Drug Information Service)
Alcohol and drug clinical advisory service for GPs to speak to an addiction specialist directly, run by ADIS.
Call ADCAS on 1800 177 833 8am to 11pm, 7 days
West Moreton AODS (Alcohol and other Drug Service)
Alcohol and Other Drugs Services (AODS) develop and provide innovative solutions to reduce the harmful impact of drug use. AODS works closely with Non-Government Organisations referring clients for continuing support. AODS provide a range of services including assessment, referral, counselling, information, case management, dual diagnosis and group programs
Call AODS on 07 3817 2400 8:00am to 4:30pm, Monday to Friday
ADIS for patients and carers (Alcohol and Drug Information Service)
24/7 alcohol and drug information phone service for patients, families and carers. Anyone looking for advice on a substance of concern, advice on treatment and phone counselling, such as craving management.
Call ADIS on 1800 177 833 24 hours, 7 days a week.
Opioid Dependency GP toolkit
A range of PHN publications and resources designed to assist GPs in Queensland to provide better quality care to patients experiencing opioid use disorder, including information and guidance on available opioid dependence treatment options, QOTP prescriber authorisation pathways, collaborative patient care arrangements, alongside a suite of GP, PHN and patient resources.
Provider search for take home Naloxone sites
Website that shows Take Home Naloxone participating sites in Queensland.
NPS Medicine wise
NPS Medicine wise information on opioids and chronic pain
Queensland Network of Alcohol and Other Drug Agencies (QNADA)
Search for services and target by treatment type, target group, age, medication exclusions, and other accessibility criteria.
DRUG ARM Australasia
Drug ARM provides support, training and advocacy around problems with alcohol and other drugs and mental health in Queensland & northern NSW.
QuIHN (Queensland Injectors Health Network)
Offers a variety of health services to illicit drug users throughout Queensland, including individual clinical counselling, therapeutic and psychosocial groups, and a bulk billed GP primary health care service.
Lives Lived Well
Lives Lived Well works with people that are directly affected with alcohol and drugs and associated mental health issues and those that are touched indirectly – like friends and family.
Drug and alcohol education
- Insight: specialist providers of alcohol an drug training and workforce development services. They also offer a Queensland Opioid Treatment Program online prescriber course.
- RACGP Alcohol & Other Drugs GP Education Resources Library
- ACRMM Drug and Alcohol Addiction Education Courses
- 360 edge AOD information and training calendar.

Cancer Screening
Cancer Screening guidelines
Information and links to current guidelines relating to bowel, breast and cervical cancer screening.
IRIS Education
IRIS Education provides a broad range of professional development: courses and workshops, clinical skill review, small group learning and education and program development consultancy.
Breast cancer risk factor assessment tool, iprevent
The breast cancer risk factor assessment tool, iprevent, can be used by clinicians and the community.
Guidelines for vaginal dryness
Guidelines for vaginal dryness available through the RACGP website.

Domestic and Family Violence
Domestic Violence Action Centre (DVAC)
The Domestic Violence Action Centre (DVAC) provides service supports listed on the DVAC Services Page in the Darling Downs and West Moreton regions.
Centre for Women & Co
Centre for Women & Co offers Specialist Domestic and Family Violence & Women’s Wellbeing Services.

Emergency care
Virtual emergency care service clinician advice line
1300 847 833 is the Virtual Emergency Care Service clinician advice line which is available to GPs across Queensland. The advice line operates 8am to 10pm, 7 days a week.
Through the advice line, clinicians can speak with Emergency Medicine (EM) physicians for advice and support either as a consultation about a patient or a joint consultation with a patient via video-call.
This service is intended to be an adjunct when required to support with investigation and management suggestions, facilitate access to community services such as Hospital in the home (HiTH) or hospital Rapid Access Outpatient Services.
The number provided is for clinician use only as consumers will access the service from home via Healthdirect symptom checker or referral from 13HEALTH.
Emergency care information for patients
Through the Emergency care and virtual care pages on our website
First 2000 Days
Maternity Matters website
Produced by Dr Wendy Burton, a GP from Brisbane, Maternity Matters provides information for before, during and after pregnancy, as well as answering questions women and their families commonly ask.
Nip allergies in the Bub website
Nip Allergies in the Bub aims to provide parents and health professionals with information about how to feed babies the common allergy causing foods and how to manage eczema, based on current evidence, to support food allergy prevention.
Preconception and prenatal genetic screening guideline
Learn more about the Preconception and prenatal genetic screening guideline, and how to keep up with clinical updates in obstetrics as busy GPs.
Lunch with Dr Ian Shellshear Education seriese
In 2021, the PHN hosted a five-part webinar series with Dr Shellshear. Watch here: Lunch with Dr Ian Shellshear Education Series.
Preeclampsia screening
Morphology scan and cervical length
- Clinical Guidelines (Australia Preterm Birth Prevention Alliance)
Syphilis during pregnancy
Genetic carrier screening
- Reproductive Carrier Screening (RACNZCOG)
Obstetrics statements and guidelines directory
- Episode 22: Paediatric Allergy and Immunology - with Dr Brynn Wainstein & Dr Mahila Namasivayam (18 December 2024)
- Episode 21: Immunisation - with Peta Gimpel (Queensland Specialist Immunisation Service) (3 December 2024)
- Episode 16: Talking about obstetrics - with Dr Ka-Kiu Cheung (8 October 2024)
- Episode 12: Metro and rural medical care - with Dr Wendy Burton (10 September 2024)
- Episode 10: Obstetrics - with Dr Kim Nolan (13 August 2024)
- Episode 9: Paediatrics - with Dr Ian Shellshear (30 July 2024)
- Episode 8: Food Allergy - with Maria Said AM (Allergy & Anaphylaxis Australia) (16 July 2024)

Mental Health and Suicide Prevention
Head to Health Phone Service
A free, confidential phone line, available to everyone – including GPs, who are seeking to refer their patients to mental health supports. Experienced mental health professionals are available to assess the client needs (utilising the IAR-DST tool where appropriate), and connect the caller to the
appropriate and immediate, ongoing support.
The referring GP can expect an update on the referral outcome from the Phone Service within seven days. GPs can use this phone line to reach Ipswich and Kingaroy Medicare Mental Health Centres.
Call 1800 595 212 8:30am - 5:00pm, Monday to Friday
GP Psychiatry Support Line
Free-to-call hotline for GPs to speak directly with a qualified psychiatrist about the mental health needs of their patients, including medication, diagnosis, treatment plans and more.
Call the GP Psychiatry Support Line on 1800 16 17 18 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.
Initial Assessment and Referral Decision Support Tool (IAR-DST)
The Initial Assessment and Referral Decision Support Tool (IAR-DST) provides a standardised, evidencebased and objective approach, to assist GPs and mental health clinicians with mental health care recommendations.
The PHN regularly provides training to GPs on how best to utilise the IAR Decision Support Tool. GPs who attend the full IAR training are eligible to receive a $300 payment (conditions apply).
Acute Mental Health Support
If a patient has acute mental health needs, refer to 1300MHCALL (1300 64 22 55). 24 hours, 7 days a week
- Darling Downs HealthPathways: Mental Health and Addiction section
- West Moreton HealthPathways: Mental Health and Addiction section
- Episode 3: Head to Health Phone Service - with Julie Cameron (21 May, 2024)