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Medicare Mental Health services help people navigate mental health, suicide prevention and alcohol and other drug services in the Darling Downs and West Moreton region. The services are free and no Medicare card is required.

The service is a collaboration between the community, people with lived experience, the mental health sector, and the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care.

View the Ipswich and Kingaroy centre information below or call the phone service.

Phone service 1800 595 212

The Medicare Mental Health phone service can be accessed by consumers, their families, carers, GPs, service providers and other health professionals. It is available Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 5pm (except public holidays).

GP referrals

GPs are able to access referral forms for services through the:

MMHC graphic

Kingaroy Medicare Mental Health Centre (formerly Head to Health)

Contact: 98 Kingaroy St, Kingaroy

Fee: No fee and no Medicare card required.

Service Provider: Open Minds

Operating hours

Monday to Friday: 10am to 6pm
(excluding public holidays)

What services are provided?

The centre uses an ‘open door’ approach and provides welcoming, low-stigma entry to mental health support through assessment and warm referrals to local services.

Services provided include:

  • navigation and connection to the most appropriate service
  • free, immediate mental health support for people in distress or crisis
  • short to medium-term mental health care, and
  • help connecting people to appropriate services if long-term care is needed.

When someone visits our service, a team member will work with them to best meet their individual needs. This may include:

  • immediate, walk-in support for people experiencing distress or crisis
  • support to access low-intensity services
  • care provided onsite
  • warm referral into specialist or acute mental health services, including emergency care or community-based and in-patient mental health services.

What services are NOT provided?

  • services for people who cannot be managed safely within the centre service environment
  • pathology, radiology, or pharmacy services
  • ongoing, long-term psychosocial support or recreational services
  • direct financial support
  • residential or bed-based services, including short-stay services
  • child and youth-specific services which could be provided more appropriately by headspace or similar organisations
  • disability support services provided through the NDIS
  • other services which are provided by other agencies in the area.

Ipswich Medicare Mental Health Centre (formerly Head to Health)

Contact: Nicholas Street Precinct Level 1, Eats Building, Ipswich, 4305

Fee: No fee and no Medicare card is required

Service Provider: Open Minds

Operating hours

Monday to Friday: 8am to 6pm
(excluding public holidays)

What services are provided?

The centre uses an ‘open door’ approach and provides welcoming, low-stigma entry to mental health support through assessment and warm referrals to local services.

Services provided include:

  • navigation and connection to the most appropriate service
  • free, immediate mental health support for people in distress or crisis
  • short to medium-term mental health care, and
  • help connecting people to appropriate services if long-term care is needed.

When someone visits our service, a team member will work with them to best meet their individual needs. This may include:

  • immediate, walk-in support for people experiencing distress or crisis
  • support to access low-intensity services
  • care provided onsite
  • warm referral into specialist or acute mental health services, including emergency care or community-based and in-patient mental health services.

What services are NOT provided?

  • services for people who cannot be managed safely within the centre's service environment
  • pathology, radiology, or pharmacy services
  • ongoing, long-term psychosocial support or recreational services
  • direct financial support
  • residential or bed-based services, including short-stay services
  • child and youth-specific services which could be provided more appropriately by headspace or similar organisations
  • disability support services provided through the NDIS
  • other services which are provided by other agencies in the area.

Medicare Mental Health phone service

Contact: 1800 595 212

Fee: No fee

Service Provider: Neami National

Operating hours

8.30am to 5pm weekdays (except public holidays)

What services are provided?

Mental health advice and support. Head to Health can help you access the local mental health services and supports that are right for you.

What services are NOT provided?

Medicare Mental Health services are not a crisis or emergency service. For urgent support, call Lifeline on 13 11 14 or SuicideLine on 1300 651 251. If you need immediate help or are at risk of harm to yourself or others, call 000 now.

Medicare Mental Health website

Contact: Medicare Mental Health connects you to mental health support and information.

Fee: No fee

Service Provider: Australian Government

Operating hours

24 hours, 7 days a week

What services are provided?

Mental health advice and support. Head to Health can help you access the local mental health services and supports that are right for you.

What services are NOT provided?

Medicare Mental Health is not a crisis or emergency service. For urgent support, call Lifeline on 13 11 14 or SuicideLine on 1300 651 251. If you need immediate help or are at risk of harm to yourself or others, call 000 now.

1300 MH CALL

1300 MH CALL (1300 642 255) is a confidential mental health telephone triage service that provides the first point of contact to public mental health services to Queenslanders.

Contact: 1300 642 255

Fee: No fee

Service Provider: Queensland Government

Operating hours

24 hours, 7 days a week

What services are provided?

A confidential mental health telephone triage service that provides advice and information in a mental health emergency or crisis.