My Health Record
My Health Record is a secure, online record that summarises key patient health information in one place. It aims to facilitate a safer, faster, and more efficient access to person’s health information.
Currently over 98% of GPs and pharmacies in the Darling Downs and West Moreton region are registered with My Health Record.
Through the My Health Record system, authorised healthcare providers involved in a patient’s care can securely access timely information such as:
- shared health summaries
- event summaries
- discharge summaries
- prescription and dispense records
- pathology
- diagnostic imaging reports.
The benefits of My Health Record for health care providers include:
- timely access to an individual’s medical history, allergies, pathology, diagnostic imaging, and medication information instantly
- helps reduce the need for repeated service and test duplication, increasing efficiency of service
- enhances the continuity of care.
Getting started with My Health Record
Whether a large, multi-clinic medical practice or a solo private provider, all general practices must have a My Health Record security and access policy in place if registered to participate in the My Health Record system.
Maintaining and promoting this policy is an important way of ensuring that the system is used safely and responsibly by staff. There are several useful resources to assist you with developing or maintaining your policy and meeting the ongoing participation obligations.
A key requirement of any healthcare organisation’s policy is to ensure that users of My Health Record receive training before being authorised to access the system.
The training should include how to use the system accurately and responsibly, legal obligations of the healthcare provider organisation and people who access the system on behalf of the organisation and the consequences of breaching those obligations.
Users need to understand when they can view or upload information to My Health Record as well as the appropriate and lawful use of the emergency access function.
The Australian Digital Health Agency has a recommended training list (PDF, 185.62 KB) that may support your organisation in meeting this requirement. More key resources about getting started with My Health Record are available below:
- Benefits of using My Health Record
- Free eLearning module on the benefits of My Health Record
- Privacy and Access
- Developing and maintaining a My Health Record security and access policy for your organisation, access the free eLearning module
- Policy guidance and a downloadable policy template, developed by the OAIC, in collaboration with the Agency
- Policy checklist
- Policy guidance for sole traders
Viewing and uploading information
Conformant clinical software (such as Best Practice, Medical Director, etc...) allows health care providers to view and upload different key documents to individuals’ My Health Record as you update patient information. Contact your software provider to learn more how you can access the My Health Record system today.
Alternatively, the National Provider Portal (NPP) allows health care providers to access the system without needing specific clinical software as a read only function.
You can upload and view the following types of information and documents in My Health Record:
- Shared Health Summary which displays a snapshot of the individual’s health status at the time. This includes medical conditions, medications, allergies and adverse reactions, and immunisations. View an example of a Shared Health Summary.
- Event Summaries contain information about significant healthcare events that is relevant to the ongoing care of the patient.
- Discharge Summaries provide detail about the patient's hospital stay and aftercare recommendations.
- Prescription and dispensing records
- Pathology and Diagnostic imaging reports
- Referrals including:
- eReferrals will be sent directly to the intended recipient, as per current practices. A copy may also be sent to the patient's record.
- Specialist letters used by a treating specialist to respond to a referrer, the letter may also be uploaded to the patient's record.
- Patient’s immunisation history including date, dose number, brand of administered vaccination and disease/indication as recorded on Australian Immunisation Register (AIR).
- Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS), Department of Veterans' Affairs (DVA), Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS), Repatriation Schedule of Pharmaceutical Benefits (RPBS) claims information.
- Australian organ donor registration status
- Medication related information, including allergies and adverse reactions, from documents held in a patient’s record.
- Pathology and Diagnostic imaging reports
- MyMedicare registration information
Privacy and Access
Access is provided in accordance with any access controls set by the patient or health care organisation.
My Health Record requires your organisation to have a security and access policy in place prior to implementation of My Health Record. A security and access policy template has been developed by the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner in collaboration with the ADHA to assist you in developing a policy for your organisation.
You should read the National Authentication Service for Health (NASH) Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) common policies and terms and conditions prior to applying for an PKI.
Learn more about the My Health Record participation obligations through the Australian Digital Health Agency webpage
Data Breaches
You must notify the Australian Digital Health Agency of any potential or actual data breaches related to My Health Record. Learn more about how to manage data breaches.
The new my health phone app
‘my health’ is an Australian Digital Health Agency owned and managed app, developed to help consumers and their carers engage with and be proactive in managing their health. It gives consumers and their carers access to My Health Record on their mobile.
Users of the app can easily and securely access health information that has been uploaded to My Health Record. Information can include:
- medicine information history
- pathology results, including COVID-19 test results
- proof of vaccination history and upcoming immunisations
- allergy and reactions information
- hospital discharge summaries
- advance care planning documents.
Benefits for healthcare providers
- consumers and their carers can access their health information anywhere and anytime.
- using the app documents from My Health Record can be downloaded and shared from a mobile device.
- key information from My Health Record can be shared with healthcare providers not yet connected to My Health Record.
Further Resources
- Step-by-step guides available for My Health Record education and training (ADHA)
- Access the Online Learning Portal (ADHA)
- My Health Record eLearning modules (ADHA)
- My Health Record webinars (ADHA)
- My Health Record (OAIC)
- My Health Record Statistics (ADHA)
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) (ADHA)
Australian Digital Health Agency:
P:1300 901 001 (general enquiries)
P: 1800 723 471, option 2 (24 hours, 7 days registration enquiries)
E: (general enquiries)
E: (tailored group training)
Services Australia eBusiness Service Centre (PRODA, HPOS, NASH PKI certificates)
P: 1800 700 199 Monday to Friday, 8am to 5pm local time
Services Australia Healthcare Identifiers Service for health professionals Operations Team
P: 1300361 457 Monday to Friday, 8:30 am to 5:00 pm AEST.
Need PHN support?
Our Primary Care Liaison team is available to provide one-on-one support.