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MyMedicare is a voluntary scheme that allows patients to register with their usual GP to strengthen the connection between patients and their primary care teams.

MyMedicare supports quality continuity of care and improved health outcomes for patients through blended funding payments and longer telehealth calls. In addition to patients opting in, general practices and providers will also need to sign up for MyMedicare.

MyMedicare practices can access:

  • more information about regular patients, making it easier to tailor services to fit the patient’s needs
  • the new longer telehealth items linked to MyMedicare, including:
    • longer MBS-funded telephone calls (Levels C and D) with their usual general practice
    • triple bulk billing incentive for longer MBS telehealth consultations (Levels C, D and E) for children under 16, pensioners, and concession card holders.

Some of the benefits already introduced:

  • Registered patients have access to MBS level C and D telehealth items. Eligible patients who are registered with a practice, can benefit from the triple bulk billing incentive for MBS level C, D, and E telehealth items.
  • Practices and providers who regularly visit registered patients in residential aged care homes, can also benefit from the General Practice in Aged Care Incentive, which supports regular health assessments, care plans and regular GP visits for people in residential aged care homes.

To ensure a smooth registration process, eligible practices that provide services to patients who would benefit from the new MyMedicare-linked MBS long telehealth services or provide care to people in residential aged care, are encouraged to prioritise registration for MyMedicare in HPOS Organisation Register tile.

Eligibility and getting involved

Learn more about eligibility for:

How to get involved

To register in MyMedicare as a general practice, you must:

Patients will be able to register online through their Medicare account or by completing a paper form at their regular general practice.

For further general practice registration details, please visit the Department of Health and Aged Care or download the step-by-step registration guide.

Further MyMedicare information:

MyMedicare information for patients:

General Practice in Aged Care Incentive

The General Practice Aged Care Incentive launched on 1 July 2024 and replaces the Aged Care Access Incentive (ACAI), which ceased on 31 July 2024.

The General Practice in Aged Care Incentive aims to improve access to quality, proactive, planned and continuous care for people who permanently live in residential aged care.

Participation in the incentive is voluntary.

Eligible GPs (i.e. responsible providers) and practices registered in MyMedicare will receive incentive payments for providing their MyMedicare registered patients who permanently live in residential aged care with regular visits, health assessment and care planning services.


To participate in the incentive practices, providers and patients must be:


Responsible provider


Registered in:

  • Organisation Register
  • MyMedicare program
  • General Practice in Aged Care Incentive sub-program
  • An eligible provider
  • Linked to their eligible practice in the Organisation Register
  • Declared as the responsible provider of eligible services to the registered patient, including coordinating
  • Permanently live in a residential aged care home
  • Registered in MyMedicare with the eligible registered practice
  • Have the General Practice in Aged Care Incentive indicator selected on their MyMedicare

Service requirements

GPs as responsible providers, care teams and practices must deliver at least 10 eligible services, from eligible Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) and Department of Veterans Affairs (DVA) funded services, over a 12-month period including:

  • 2 eligible care planning services delivered by the responsible provider
  • 8 eligible regular services comprising of at least 2 per quarter, each in a separate calendar month.

In Modified Monash Model (MMM) areas 4–7, practices will be able to provide up to 4 regular visits per 12-month period by eligible telehealth MBS items where they are unable to provide face-to-face services. Telehealth services under any other circumstances do not qualify for the quarterly requirements.

Incentive Payments, Rural Loadings and Assessments

The General Practice in Aged Care Incentive offers incentive payments paid to the responsible provider and practice when service requirements are met.

These payments will be paid pro-rata across the 12-month period, in equal parts, on a quarterly basis on top of existing MBS and DVA funded services.

Rural loadings will apply to GP and practice incentive payments for Modified Monash Model (MMM) regions MMM 3 to MMM 7.

Further GPACI information:

Chronic Disease Management

Major changes will be made to the Medicare Benefits Schedule (MBS) items for chronic disease management from 1 July 2025. These changes will:

  • Replace the current GP Management Plan and Team Care Arrangements with a single GP Chronic Condition Management Plan
  • Support continuity of care by requiring patients enrolled in MyMedicare to access management plans through the practice where they are enrolled (patients who aren’t enrolled will be able to access management plans through their usual GP).
  • Encourage management plan reviews by:
    • equalising the fees for developing and reviewing plans
    • requiring patients to have their plan established or reviewed in the last 18 months so they can retain access to allied health and other services.
  • Formalise referral processes for allied health services so they are more consistent with other referral arrangements.
  • Ensure patients do not lose access to their current services through transition arrangements for existing patients with GP Management Plans and Team Care Arrangements.

Additional support

Provider Digital Access (PRODA)

P: 1800 700 199 and select option 1 (available Monday to Friday 8am to 5pm local time)

Department of Health and Aged Care – Medicare provider enquiry line

P: 132150 and select option 2 (available Monday to Friday 8am to 5pm local time)

For Providers

P: Services Australia 1800 700 199
Services Australia Medicare Engagement Officer

For Consumers

P: Patient support hotline number: 132 011

Need PHN support?

Our Primary Care Liaison team is available to provide one-on-one support.