ADA Australia launches care finder service
June 30, 2023
In June, the Darling Downs and West Moreton PHN joined Aged and Disability Advocacy (ADA) Australia in Ipswich and Toowoomba to launch the ADA Link care finder service.
This was an opportunity for staff and community members to connect with local care finders, enjoy a delightful morning tea, engage in meaningful conversations, and discover how this new care finder service can make a difference in the community.
The care finder program is part of aged care reform in response to the recommendations of the Royal Commission and funded nationally through PHNs to improve integration between the health, aged care and other systems at a local level.
Care finder services are provided at no cost as they are fully funded through Darling Downs and West Moreton PHN.
ADA Australia is one of three local providers to have been appointed and funded to provided care finder services in the region, joining Footprints Community Limited and STAR Community Services.
ADA Link will support the older people in our region to access aged care and other services they might need in their communities.
The ADA care finder program’s capacity to provide intensive face-to-face support for older people in our region who might otherwise ‘fall through the cracks’ is vital.
The care finder program is an opportunity to support our vulnerable older people who may not be able to arrange services without intensive support and do not have a family member or friends who can help.
The PHN looks forward to observing the difference this project can make for the lives and health outcomes of older people in our region.
To read more about our care finders, click here.