Our Executive Leadership Team

Lucille Chalmers
Chief Executive Officer
Lucille is an experienced health and human services executive with a special focus on community health and primary healthcare. Lucille was previously Deputy CEO at Brisbane South PHN. Lucille has a deep commitment to improving community health and wellbeing with extensive experience in the design, delivery and commissioning of health and human services in Australia and the United Kingdom. She has a particular passion for community driven and place-based ways of working to address inequities and improve health outcomes. She is a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and holds qualifications in Business (Philanthropy and Non-Profit Studies), Masters of Public Health and Bachelor of Applied Science (Speech Pathology).

Kate McLoughlin
Executive Director - Strategy and Operations
Kate serves as Chief Financial Officer and Company Secretary for Darling Downs and West Moreton PHN, where she manages the company’s finances and corporate responsibilities, and promotes a happy and healthy work culture. Prior to joining Darling Downs and West Moreton PHN, Kate served as Senior Finance Manager and Revenue Manager for Darling Downs Hospital and Health Service and Senior Business Analyst for Saxon Energy Australia. Kate holds a Bachelor's Degree in Education and a Masters of Professional Accounting from the University of Southern Queensland, and is a Certified Practising Accountant.

Jen Newbould
Executive Director - Strategic Commissioning
Jen joined Darling Downs and West Moreton PHN in 2023 with more than 20 years of direct experience in the commissioning context, with a focus on transformational systems change. Jen is a partnership broker and quality systems lead auditor with tertiary qualifications in management and leadership, business administration and accounting. Jen has worked with diverse communities and system partners to tackle disadvantage and to improve outcomes in mental health, suicide prevention, alcohol and other drugs, homelessness, child protection, justice and adult education, through senior leadership positions held in the UK and Australia spanning health, community services and public sector contexts.

Tim Keane
Executive Director - Primary Care and Integration
Tim joined the PHN in 2024 and brings to his role a lengthy and substantive background in public health management, strategic planning and project management. He has led many complex health system reform initiatives, successfully optimising primary and preventative care models through coherent system management, service design and commissioning and sustained strategic collaboration across government and non-government agencies. Tim has realised population health outcomes in regional and remote Australia as well as internationally, spanning areas such as suicide prevention, homelessness, NDIS and community and tertiary AOD/mental health.
He has 25 years of experience working across State Government, Aboriginal Community Controlled Health and Primary Health Networks. Tim has a BA (Hons) Communications with Information Systems; Master of Public Health; Grad.Dip Psychology; and Diplomas in both Project and Finance Management.
Our Senior Leadership Team
Kezia Hazelwood
Director - Mental Health, Suicide Prevention and Alcohol and Other Drugs
P: 07 4615 0961
E: Kezia.Hazelwood@ddwmphn.com.au
Brian Kurth
Director - Digital Transformation, Performance and Evaluation
P: 07 4615 0911
E: brian.kurth@ddwmphn.com.au
Alison Lahey
Director - Business Development
P: 07 4615 0950
E: Alison.Lahey@ddwmphn.com.au
Louise Litchfield
Director - Stakeholder Engagement and Communications
P: 07 4615 0960
E: Louise.Litchfield@ddwmphn.com.au
Amy Wilson
Director - Priority Populations
P: 07 4615 0979
E: Amy.Wilson@ddwmphn.com.au