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Darling Downs and West Moreton PHN is a not-for-profit organisation who partners with community organisations, healthcare providers, hospital and health services, and state and federal governments to improve primary health care services in our communities. We work within the Darling Downs and West Moreton region to better understand, support and improve the health of people living in our region.

The funding statement

Third parties contracted or commissioned by the PHN should acknowledge the funding/support received from a PHN by using a funding acknowledgement statement and not the PHN logo in most instances. If you have not been authorised to use the PHN logo, you must use one of the below statements.

  • ‘This [activity/service] is supported by funding from Darling Downs and West Moreton PHN through the Australian Government’s PHN Program.’
  • ‘This [activity/service] has been made possible by [funding/support] from Darling Downs and West Moreton PHN.’
  • ‘This [activity/service] is supported by Darling Downs and West Moreton PHN.’

The PHN logo can only be used by external parties when prior, written approval has been given by the PHN Communications team. Use of the PHN logo without explicit approval is prohibited.

Using the funding statement