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October: QI Activity

Health Topic: Mental Health

Queensland Mental Week runs from 5 - 13 October, 2024, World Mental Health Day is 10 October, 2024 and October is Australia's Mental Health Month.

National Mental Health Month is an important time where the Australian community comes together to raise awareness and promote better mental health for all.

National Mental Health Month provides an opportunity for general practices in our region to focus on patients impacted by mental health and to promote the importance of mental health treatment plans.

  • 4.3 million people (or 1 in 5 people) in Australia had a mental disorder in 2020-2022*
  • Psychological distress has increased over the last decade
  • 46% compared to 29% more young woman are experiencing mental health disorders

In our region, 18% of GP presentations (98,331) each year are related to mental health and from this cohort, 12% will not have a mental health treatment plan in place.

Step 1: Identify your QI Measures

Start by considering which of the relevant QI measures you will work towards in support of mental health management. Measures you could choose from that are relevant for patients with mental health conditions:

  • Patients with mental health Dx who have not had a Mental Health Treatment Plan (MHTP) in the last 12 months.

Learn more about these QI Measures

MBS Billing Opportunities

Step 2: Undertake your QI activity

We've prepared a simple worksheet that can help you work through activity you will need undertake to meet the Improvement Measure you have selected.

1. Identify your plan, using the Model for Improvement:

  • What are you trying to accomplish? eg. increase the proportion of patients with a mental health diagnosis who have not had a MHTP claimed the last 12 months
  • How will we know that change is an improvement? Set a specific measure or SMART goal, eg. increase the proportion of regular (active) patients with a mental health Dx who have not have a MHTP claimed at the practice by 15% in the last 12 months by the end of the PIP quarter.
  • What changes can you make that will result in improvement? Come up with your own ideas or consider ours below.

2. Some possible ideas you could choose to do:

  • Conduct a team meeting to ensure all relevant team members are aware of the PIP QI focus for the quarter and highlight the importance of mental health patients having a MHTP completed or reviewed every 12 months.
  • Complete a CAT4 search for eligible patients and recall those who have not had their MTHP/review completed in the last 12 months.
  • Regularly use Pen CS CAT4 and/or Topbar to track and report the percentage of eligible patients in this cohort. Save and document these reports throughout the PIP quarter (ensure all staff are aware that a PDSA is to be completed and filed each quarter should your practice be audited).
  • Display mental health awareness materials in the clinic waiting room.
  • Use PHN Exchange to track mental health trends over time to see if we are continuing to improve.
  • Utilise Topbar MBS app. Consider creating a specific CAT Prompt Topbar notification for this patient cohort.

3. Document your actions

  • Use our PDSA Worksheet to document your activity. It also walks you through how to complete a CAT4 search and use PHN Exchange to track mental health/MHTP trends.

4. Resources to help you

Need PHN support?

Our Primary Care Liaison team is available to provide one-on-one support.