The Swich Speaks Out - 2023 Ipswich Domestic and Family Violence Summit
The Swich Speaks Out brings together community, government and non-government agencies and wider service sector to share evidence-based practice and inspiration for responding to domestic and family violence in our community. This includes:
- Panels – Experts by Experience, Lessons from the Death Review Advisory Board, Children as victims in their own right
- Showcase of place-based responses and projects working to end violence in communities
- Reconciliation and healing through art workshop
- Service provider marketplace (stallholder applications available via the event website)
- World café and action planning sessions to support development of an action plan that will help Ipswich respond to and reduce the prevalence of DFV in Ipswich
- Community survey (link to participate via the website) seeking your thoughts about how we can all work together to reduce violence in our community
- Free workshops on Day 3 focused on:
- increasing community awareness and ability to respond to disclosures of DFV in-line with the QLD government Level 1 Common Risk and Safety Framework tool presented by the Office for Women & Violence Prevention and Domestic Violence Action Centre
- building practitioner skills in safety planning beyond “000” facilitated by domestic and family violence specialists;
- supporting sporting clubs to promote healthy relationships and consequences of using alcohol drugs and violence facilitated by the Allison Baden-Clay Foundation; and
- elevating the voices of lived experience interested in social change and advocacy.
For more information, contact Domestic Violence Action Centre.
Wednesday 3 May 2023
Friday 5 May 2023
Ipswich City Council building, Level 1
Domestic Violence Action Centre
CPD Points Available?
Event Fees?